Martial Glacier

The magic of nature a few minutes from the city

The Martial glacier is an icon of Ushuaia. It is located within the Natural Reserve that bears the same name, just 7 kilometers from the center and offers all kinds of activities to enjoy nature: in winter alpine skiing and snowboarding are the preferred ones and in summer it is placed as one of the most accessible sites to enjoy hiking. In addition, you will find restaurants open all year round.

The Martial is a circus glacier due to its shape similar to an amphitheater or semicircle. It is located about 1000 meters above sea level and its name comes from the commander of the French scientific expedition ‘La Romanche’ of 1882-1883, Louis Ferdinand Martial. It is currently a glacial remnant, that is, remains of a much larger ancient glacier. From there the Buena Esperanza stream is born, which constitutes an important source of drinking water for the city.

It can be reached by the winding Luis Fernando Martial street that goes up the mountain and offers panoramic views of the city and the Beagle Channel that surprise you at every bend. Along the way there are some hotels and restaurants. Before reaching the end of the road, there is the Francisco Jerman refuge and track of the Club Andino Ushuaia, where you can rent sleds, culipatines and cross-country skis and practice right there. You can also go up a mountain path that borders the Buena Esperanza stream, a few meters away from the paved road.

Parque del Fin del Mundo

Everyday from 9am to 7.30pm

Visitor Service and Assistance Fee Schedule – Cerro Martial End of the World Park
General $10.000
National Residents $5.000
TDF AeIAS Residents No charge
People with disabilities No charge

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Circuito del Bosque

Start:  Sendero de los Pioneros - Return: Sendero del Martial

Difficulty: media

Physical demands: media

Duration: 30 min total

Slope: 100 m

From the base, following Los Pioneros´path, you will experience the Nothofagus Forest around, skirting Buena Esperanza Stream. 

The evidence of the last glaciation now represented in the vegetation will make this trail more than enojoyable.

Circuito Mirador del Glaciar

Physical demands: media

Duration: 75 min total

Slope: 220 m

From the base, following the path connected with Martial´s Trail the forest desappeard while you gain altitude.

You will discover the power around the nature in this amazing trail among the mountain and Nothofagus forest.

Circuito Mirador de las Lagunas

Physical demands: media

Duration: 150 min total

Slope: 270 m

Once you reach the first view point, you are going to witness a 180° panoramic point where you can enjoy the immense of the Beagle Channel until the cliffs of Cerro Bridges and Cerro Martial.

Circuito de las Nubes

Difficulty: media

Duration: 150 minutos

Slope: 520 metros

Reach Mirador los Condores on the top of the mountain rage, 850 msnm, where may experience every heart beat.

Circuito de los Vientos (CLOSED)

Duration: 240 minutos

Distance: 7200 metros

Slope: 665 metros

This adventure starts at the Base of the lodge, connected to the Sendero Martial. Step into the narrowness of this canyon with blocs placed all along nostop until 1000 msnm.

In the Mirador Cumbres Fueguinas experience the ultimate expression of fullness and freedom.


Trekking recommendations