Tourism Policy

The mission of the Secretariat of Tourism is to update the strategic bases, implement and execute the appropriate programs for the integral development of the tourist activity as a socio-economic sustenance of the community, in coordination with the competent areas of the Municipality of Ushuaia, the Ushuaia Development Agency, the Provincial Government, the National Government and the International Multilateral Organizations with the capacity and specificity to contribute to the objective.

In order to fulfill this Mission the Secretariat shall develop the following actions:

-Promote the optimal institutional positioning at the local, national and international levels.

-To design and implement the strategies and actions tending to the desired growth of the tourist affluence, consolidating the existing markets and capturing those that are potential, in coordination with the Instituto Fueguino de Turismo (INFUETUR), the Agencia de Desarrollo Ushuaia and the Ministerio de Turismo y Deportes de la Nación, without prejudice of interacting with other actors related to the tourist activity.

-To strengthen the Social Tourism Program, tending to reach the greatest number of individuals who can participate.

-To promote actions related to accessibility, sustainability, quality and inclusion in the tourism activity.

-To elaborate and execute strategies of information, orientation and efficient and updated assistance to the tourist, in the different Tourist Information Offices of the Secretariat of Tourism.

Download the official document here.