Laguna Cinco Hermanos

Dificultad del terreno: media/alta

Exigencia física: alta

Distancia: 12 km ida y vuelta

Duración: 8 horas ida y vuelta

Desnivel: 900 m

The trail starts 2.5 km from the entrance/exit of the city of Ushuaia, on National Route No. 3, on the right hand side. The reference point is the entrance to the Kawi Yoppen campsite or the sign of “Anoka”.

At this point you cross the bridge to start the trekking along the waterfall Velo de la Novia and then continue through the forest to the 5 Hermanos Lagoon.

Where to do this activity

Guías del Sur

Bahía Sloggett y Bahía Aguirre

Arpón Turismo

Trekking a Laguna Esmeralda, Velo de la Novia, Laguna Turquesa, Vinciguerra, Estancia Túnel.