Laguna del Caminante

Dificultad del terreno: alta

Exigencia física: muy alta

Distancia: 25 kilómetros la vuelta completa

Duración: dos días la vuelta completa - 5 horas sólo de ida hasta la laguna.

Desnivel: 800 m


The access to this trekking can be done through two entrances to the city: through the Andorra neighbourhood, along the "Camino del Valle" street until the end and crossing the blue gate; or through the Ushuaia Race Track.

It is a long walk that takes two days. The first day you get to the Caminante Lagoon where you can camp, and the next day you continue the trekking to return to the city, either through the Oveja Canyon or through the Andorra Valley.

It is not possible to make fire in the camping site or in any part of the trail, therefore it is necessary to carry a heater for cooking.

Where to do this activity

Guías del Sur

Bahía Sloggett y Bahía Aguirre

Arpón Turismo

Trekking a Laguna Esmeralda, Velo de la Novia, Laguna Turquesa, Vinciguerra, Estancia Túnel.