Dog sled

A different way to see the valleys

In winter the Valles Fueguinos are ideal places to enjoy dog sled. It is an ancient activity used for hunting and travel for over a thousand of years, nowadays there are long-distance sled dog races in the northern hemisphere. In Ushuaia you can visit the snowy forest and enjoy a unique experience while having a pleasant time.

Teams of sled dogs pull a sled with the dog driver or mushers who lead the dogs only with verbal commands standing on the runners while tourists enjoy beautiful views. The dogs are mostly of Nordic breeds, such as the Siberian husky and the Alaskan malamute, all with coats resistant to low temperatures and an instinct that allows them to run long distances.

This activity can be done in some ski areas located along the national route number 3 and can be combined with snowshoeing, cross-country skiing or a lunch of local food from Ushuaia. During summer, you can still visit the kennel and take a hike with the dogs as your guides.

Ideal to enjoy a day with friends or family getting to know the wonders that the valley, the forest and the snow offer.

Where to do this activity